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Barton BMC004 VC Master Clock/Divider (MOTM) New for the MOTM format in 2017!..
Priced from $80.00 to $125.00
Barton BMC016 Dual Nice Quantizer (MOTM) motm panel design inspired by dave b..
Priced from $18.00 to $359.00
Synthesis Technology MOTM-390 Micro LFOThe MOTM-390 is the smaller version of the..
Priced from $30.00 to $260.00
Synthesis Technology MOTM-410 Triple Resonant Filter + Dual VC LFOThe MOTM-410 co..
Priced from $35.00 to $395.00
Synthesis Technology MOTM-420 MS-20 VCFThe MOTM-420 is a switch-selectable LP/NF/HP (lowp..
Priced from $40.00 to $395.00
Synthesis Technology MOTM-490 uVCFThe classic tone of the 1970s, the lowpass la..
Priced from $30.00 to $285.00
Synthesis Technology MOTM-830 Dual Mode MixerThe MOTM-830 is a dual mode (audio a..
Priced from $40.00 to $345.00
Synthesis Technology MOTM-900 Dual Power Supply The original m..
Priced from $25.00 to $369.00
MOTM Power Converter PCB If you have a Dotcom cabinet and power supply, this ..
tellun corporation diy pcbsclassic diy pcbs from scott juskiwmulti-use universal buffer (muub 2, 3 a..
Priced from $18.00 to $25.00
Yusynth ADSRProject documentation here:
Yusynth Dial ComparatorsProject documentation here:
yuSynth Random Gates MOTM format panel, 1Upcb design dated 2008PCB us..
Priced from $25.00 to $245.00
Yusynth Transistor Ladder Filter Minimoog filter clone PCB'bridechamb..